• Customer
  • Incharz for Business
  • How do I find an Incharz EV charging station nearby?

    You can use Incharz EV charging station app and find an EV charging station nearby to your location.

  • Can I book a charging slot in advance?

    Yes, you can book your charging slot in advance using the Incharz EV charging app, ensuring hassle-free charging whenever you need it.

  • Can I pay via cash for the charging session?

    When you scan the QR code, the charger gets automatically connected to your application wallet, and when the charging is completed, the payment is deducted automatically from your wallet, based on your EV charging needs.

  • Can I use other application or RFID card in Incharz charging points to charge my car?

    Download the Incharz EV charging station app for a convenient charging experience at our station.

  • How do I set up Incharz EV charging station at my premises/land/society/commercial space?

    To set up the Incharz EV charging station you just have to follow 3 simple steps -

    • Apply for EV charging station setup.
    • Get it validate and surveyed
    • Get it installed and commissioned.
  • How much does it cost to set up Incharz EV charging station?

    The cost of setting up Incharz EV charging station may vary depending on the number of chargers installed. To know more contact us at (mobile no)

  • How much area is required for setting up Incharz EV charging station?

    The minimum area required to set up Incharz EV charging station is 400-600 sq ft. The area requirement may vary depending on the customer’s requirement. To know more, contact us at (mobile no)

  • What is Incharz EV charging station app?

    Incharz EV charging station app allows you to find nearby stations, check real-time status and pay for your real charge via multiple online payment options. It is your pit stop to get access to India’s largest EV charging network.